Home Group Questions - February 9, 2025
Homegroup leaders: The Fellowship Snack schedule for Sunday Mornings is now attached below. Please take a minute and review the schedule to see when your home group will be providing snacks.
Gospel Shaped Marriage
1 Peter 3:1-7
Main Point: Christian husbands and wives honor God by honoring each other
1. This passage teaches that wives should submit to their husbands. What does this mean, and what doesn't it mean? Why is submission not inherently demeaning or inferior?
2. If you are a wife, how can you encourage and affirm your husband's leadership? 
3. If you are a husband, is there any way you might fail to understand or honor your wife? How can you make it easier for her to gladly submit to your leadership? 
4.  Peter says that husbands and wives are both "heirs of the grace of life." How does knowing this truth help promote healthy marriages?